State Permit & Monitor Fees

(All prices are in US Dollars)

California Film Commission Fees
California Film Commission Permit Fee: Free
California Film Commission Rider Fee: Free
State Property Location Site Rental: Free
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Fees
Review and Monitor/Inspection fees (2 hour minimum): $173.00 / hour
On-site inspection during filming (2 hour minimum*): $173.00 / hour
Weeknight and weekend monitor/inspection fees will be at time and a half.
*Complex activities may require an inspector to be on-site at all times during filming.
Application rider fee (1 hour minimum): $173.00
Caltrans District 7 Headquarters Bldg. requires one Caltrans monitor per each 15 cast & crew members. All monitors are at the discretion of Caltrans not applicant. $173.00 / hour
California Highway Patrol Officers may be required on-site for all Caltrans permits.
California Highway Patrol (CHP) Fees

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**Rates current as of December 3, 2024
**4 hour minimum
Officer hours 67 @ $129.39 per hour
Sergeant hours 0 @ $157.41 per hour
Motorcycle officer 0 @ $135.83 per hour
Motorcycle sergeant 0 @ $165.25 per hour
Miles car 600 @ $1.66 per mile
Miles motorcycle 0 @ $1.71 per mile
State Parks and Recreation Fees

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Review fee – simple productions (stills or motion) $100.00 / day
Review fee – complex productions (stills or motion) $250.00 / day
Parks monitor hourly rates are “portal to portal” (generally add one hour of time; 6 HOUR MINIMUM)
Type of monitor is determined by State Parks.*
Peace Officers/Ranger $105.00 Environmental Scientist $95.00
Maintenance $56.00 Park Interpreters $55.00
Administration $48.00 Lifeguard (Seasonal) $39.00
Park Aide $29.00 Mileage for monitors $0.76 / mile
Vehicle parking and daily entrance fees are collected directly by the Park (not the CFC). Fees vary between $8.00 – $20.00 per vehicle or space.
CANCELLATION NOTICE: California State Parks charges all agreed upon monitor and review fees if the permit is cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice.
Exposition Park / Science Center Fees
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Administration Fee $432.00 Security Lights (per night) $50.00
State Officer (per hr/officer) $65.00 Deposit 25%
Maintenance Recovery Fee – based on activities, locations and size of company $550.00 – $1,100.00
Parking Lot Rental rates are determined by the number of spaces and either (1) the daily parking rate $15.00 per space or (2) special event rate of $15.00 to $40.00 per space.
Fees are determined by the Office of Park Management and checks must be delivered directly to them.
State Buildings, Facilities, and Land Locations Fees
Department of Water Resources – Monitor if required by department $78.00 / hour
(CHP could also be required depending on location)
Metropolitan State Hospital (Security Officer) $50.00 / hour

**Some Fees are not collected by the California Film Commission including but not limited to: State Parks daily entrance/parking fee that is collected per vehicle at the park entry. California Highway Patrol (CHP) has a coordinator who arranges Officers and collects CHP fees directly and supplies Officers for filming at State properties including State Capitol. California Science Center, Exposition Park and California African American Museum coordinate and collect fees on-site for their location agreement.

California Film Commission
7080 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 900
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Tel: 323.860.2960 | 800.858.4749
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