Career Readiness

Approved tax credit applicants must participate in a career-based learning and training program as an opportunity to inspire, train, and give back to the next generation of filmmakers. This requirement may be fulfilled during any phase of the production.

Hours paid for 275 Interns hired from 53 schools.

Number of student participation in professional skills tours from 30 organizations and schools.

Number of teachers from 31 colleges and high schools took part in Faculty Externships.

Non-profit organizations and local schools benefitted from Classroom Workshops.

Total amount of Financial Contributions received to fund local non-profit organizations.

In light of the highly contagious Omicron variant, the CFC recommends that in-person Career Readiness experiences (internships, externships, professional skills tours) be suspended until in-person events can be safely conducted. Other options include online panels/workshops or a donation for the California Department of Education or Foundation for California Community Colleges. Your donations are used for scholarships for underserved youth, as well as paid internships, educational workshops, and conferences in the state.

Should you choose an in-person career readiness option, it is imperative that you continue to maintain strict Covid-19 protocols, as well as take any and all actions needed to ensure the safety of the participants. Individuals participating in the in-person events should be informed and consent to any risks prior to participation and their acknowledgment and consent should be memorialized in writing.

career readiness

Career Readiness Requirement Options

The Career Readiness Requirement offers five different options, including virtual sessions: paid internships, workshops by production professionals, professional skills tours and/or set visits, continuing education for educators, or a financial contribution. Approved applicants shall contact the Film Commission to discuss options, including virtual sessions.

Financial Contribution

Make a financial contribution to California Department of Education (CDE) Arts, Media, and Entertainment (AME) programs or California Community Colleges (CCC). Financial contribution based on .25% of the estimated tax credit reservation, with a minimum of $5,000 and a maximum of $12,000 (more may be contributed, if desired).

Community College Contributions – Write the check to Foundation for California Community Colleges; write on the check “Non-Profit Internship Fund” in the memo line. Please request a receipt and submit it, along with the form, to the CFC for verification of the contribution when submitting final documentation for a tax credit certificate. Contact and mailing address is on the California Community College website.

California Community College (CCC) Donation: W-9 for Community Colleges Contribution

High School Contributions – If paying by check, please write the check to Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF) and write “AME Career Readiness” in the memo line. For more information visit: EIF Careers Program and CA-AME Schools.

Entertainment Industry Foundation
Attn: AME Career Readiness
10880 Wilshire Boulevard
Suite 1400
Los Angeles, CA 90024

To initiate this process and/or to wire funds to EIF directly, please contact: Kristian Hager, Accounts Receivable Manager.

Once you have sent your contribution, please request a receipt and submit it, along with the Financial Contribution form linked below, to the CFC for verification of the contribution when submitting final documentation for a tax credit certificate.

EIF Donation: W-9.

Financial Contribution Verification Form

Classroom Workshops & Lectures

Provide students enrolled in a California high school or California community college classroom workshops, panels, or demonstrations on aspects of the film industry, conducted by entertainment industry professionals. The following recommendations are ways to conduct classroom workshops safely and effectively, while practicing physical distancing.

  1. Industry professionals (including below the line department heads and crew) are invited to give livestream masterclass presentations or pre-recorded guest lectures and in-class demonstrations that can be accessed at local school sites. Providing a career-focused virtual presentation to faculty and students is a rewarding way to share the expertise gained through years of industry experience.
Virtual Session Examples
    • A cinematographer provides a virtual tour of the latest equipment used to shoot on set or in various types of locations.
    • A production manager shows pre-recorded or livestream an overview tutorial on the changes to set or location-based production to accommodate Covid-19 safety protocols.
    • An AD or line producer could pre-record a tutorial on their process for scheduling and creating a call sheets and other production documents using industry-specific software.
  1. Reach a larger audience by virtually presenting (via livestream or pre-recorded) at state or regional conferences to assist film and television instructors in delivering the most up-to-date information to their students at the school site.
  2. Production companies can structure their commitment by combining individual classroom, lecture, and/or virtual career readiness presentations.
  3. Help with curriculum development to provide authentic, industry-related assignment.
  4. Record how-to videos that can be utilized across multiple campuses.
  5. Host a virtual workshop on a particular aspect of production or post-production to serve students, instructors, and administrators
Virtual Session Examples
    • An editor demonstrates to students how to do parallel editing from three camera studio sessions.
    • A cameraman demonstrates the menu structure of a Red or Arri camera.
    • A Digital Imaging Technician explains the protocols of transferring footage from data card to computer and proper backup procedure.

Classroom Workshop Verification Form

Post-Completion Survey

Video Testimonial Instructions

Faculty Externship

Provide a minimum of eight (8) hours for educators and/or faculty to observe the set operations, post-production and other specialized departments. Production companies may provide arts, media, and entertainment educators an opportunity for a virtual job shadow or audit a virtual production meeting of a particular department. Pre-recorded or virtual tutorials are recommended to accommodate physical distancing.

Virtual Session Examples
  • Attend a virtual meeting in which a script is broken down into visual effects shots.
  • Participate in a planning session, virtually, for a motion capture or green screen shoot and observe the filming.
  • Schedule a virtually job shadow day with a post-production supervisor to better understand today’s delivery elements for film and television.
  • Observe a livestream or pre-recorded spotting session with a director and/or a composer to better understand the latest music technology.
  • Virtually attend a 3-D film shoot and discuss the technology with the director of photography.
  • Attend a virtual color correction session to gain up-to-date knowledge of the latest tools.

Faculty Externship Verification Form

Post-Completion Survey

Video Testimonial Instructions


Paid Internship

Provide paid internship positions to one or more students enrolled in a California community college or California CFC approved career-based learning program. The total number of hours worked by an intern or combination of interns must be a minimum of 300 hours, and each intern hired must work a minimum of 100 hours. (There is no maximum number of interns or hours.) Internship experience should include working with professionals in the film industry and hands-on work assignments. Interns must be 18 years of age or older. Any productions utilizing interns in technical craft positions need to notify the applicable union representative prior to the start of the internship.

Paid Internship Verification Form

Post-Completion Survey

Video Testimonial Instructions


Professional Skills Tour

Provide to students, enrolled in a California high school or a California community college, a minimum of eight (8) hours of a professional skills tour, which may include a set visit and/or studio or production company department(s) exposure.

Professional Skills Tour Verification Form

Post-Completion Survey Only the instructor or class leader is required to fill out the survey.

Video Testimonial Instructions

Career Readiness Panels

Intern Testimonials

Career Readiness Panel Highlights

Videos coming soon!

Important Information

The California Film Commission (CFC) staff is here to help! Contact the Film Commission or specific questions about the Career Readiness Requirement.

  • The CFC will facilitate contact with high schools, community colleges, and/or career-based learning programs for Paid Internships, Faculty Externships, Studio Employment & Professional Skills Tours, and Classroom Workshop & Events.
  • As soon as the approved applicant selects an option, the appropriate verification form must be completed under Phase IV Expenditure Summary Report of the application portal.
  • If a production selects on-set externships, internships, workshops/panels, or professional skills tours and set visits, all participants must adhere to health and safety protocols.
  • When activity is complete, electronically sign/confirm the form.
  • All participants in Paid Internships, Faculty Externships, Studio Employment & Professional Skills Tours, and Classroom Workshop & Events must complete an online post-completion survey.
  • A guide is available for participants who wish to submit a video testimonial; although highly recommended, this is not required.
  • High school or community college educators interested in participating in the Career Readiness Program shall contact the CA Film Commission with contact information and event details. The CFC may also match any upcoming school or non-profit organization events, such as career or mentorship day, with approved production companies to fulfill the career readiness requirement.

California Film Commission
7080 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 900
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Tel: 323.860.2960 | 800.858.4749
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